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My Baby is Going to School

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

(Updated April 2021)

From midnight tonight thousands of parents around the country will be logging on to their council's online schools portal to find out what school their little ones have been allocated for September.

In 2019 we were right there with you, waiting to hear about our son‘s school place.

Some of you may feel excited, some fretful, some relaxed or indifferent.

I was the latter. My husband and I chose two schools for our son, both equally good, and both we were equally happy to send him to. We had also considered home educating as an option, so for me, I felt relaxed, safe in the knowledge that what ever will be will be.

But for other parents, that little email pinging into their inbox in the morning will be sure to bring feelings of angst and worry. And if you're one of the ones that doesn't get the place you hoped for, please be reassured that there are options.

Firstly, don't completely discount the place your child has been given. It may not have been your first choice, or any of your choices, but take the opportunity to find out about the school, speak to the staff or seek out other parents and try to get a feel for the school that your child has been allocated. COVID has made it incredibly difficult this year and many of you won’t have been able to look at your child’s school. The school you’ve been allocated may turn out to be much better than you expected.

However, if you decide that the school your child has been placed at is not the one for you, then appeal! It doesn't bring any guarantees but it could be an option. Take a look at this useful info from the Government website for more about appealing a schools decision.

But it is worth knowing that your child doesn't have to attend any formal educational setting until the term after they turn five. So if you didn't get the place you wanted, contact the school you have been allocated and explain that you'd like to defer your child's entry. This could buy you a little time to get a place at the school you do want. Find out more here.

If, like me, you considered home educating but applied to school anyway, you'll know that you can decline your place at any time, simply by sending a letter to the Head Teacher. If home education appeals to you but you don't know much about it, there are plenty of groups on Facebook that can give you more information on how to go about it. If you’re leaning more towards home educating, my workshop, Freedom, could help you make the final decision.

What ever the outcome, we wish you and your babies all the best of luck!

By Emma Huggett


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