Got Questions?
We always want to make you feel at ease. Scroll down to read our FAQs.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I can't afford it?
Payment plans are available in 3 or 6 monthly instalments.
What if I don't have time?
We will work together to find a schedule that suits you and your needs. You'll benefit greatly from putting the time in so I'll also hold you accountable. All my online courses and workshops are self directed and so you'll be able to fit it into your schedule to suit you. You'll also get lifetime access to all online content, so you can revisit as much as you need.
What if it doesn't work for me and my kid?
I use a family-centred approach combined with evidence-based techniques that align with your child's biological tendencies. We will work together to create a plan that supports you throughout and there will always be something that works!
I'm worried other people will judge me.
Part of my job is to give you the tools and techniques to boost your confidence. With your newfound confidence you'll lose that feeling of judgement as you'll be sure of yourself. You'll also become part of my online community where you'll meet like-minded parents that have been through the same struggles as you. You'll benefit from their support as well as mine.
I'm worried I won't be able to implement your techniques.
I promise to support you every step of the way. If it's feeling tough, I'm here for you. We can talk it out and break it down to make it easy for you.
I don't want to have to throw out the TV or tablet. Can I still do this?
You definitely don't have to get rid of the screens if you don't want to. I'll help you find the balance that's right for you and your family.
I'm worried about talking to my family about doing things differently.
I hear you! To begin with, while you find your feet, you don't need to, but as your confidence grows I'll give you strategies so that you can help family members fall into line with your values. If you have a partner, I always recommend that parents work with me as a couple if possible, so that you're working as a team.
What if I can't get my partner on board?
In my experience, the strategies you'll learn whilst working with me will benefit you regardless. I'll teach you how to make changes that will filter down to your partner, even if you're unable to get them involved before you start.
Will I have to get rid of all of the toys and books and replace them?
Absolutely not! When you work with me, you'll learn more about what suits your child's needs but I'll never tell you to get rid of anything if you don't want to.
What if I lose my patience and we go back to square one?
Progress builds. All changes that you make, with my support, will benefit you and your family. We all make mistakes and I'm here to support you. I cannot promise you that you'll never lose your patience again, but I'll be here to help you forgive yourself and reconcile with your children if you do.
Will everything I share be kept confidential?
Absolutely! It's important that you feel safe to share any of your concerns with me. You can read my privacy policy via the website.